Video Conferencing
Meet online. Save with Tamaani Video conferencing.
All Nunavik villages have a videoconferencing unit
Video conferencing is a great way for organizations to stay connected with their off site staff and save on expensive travel costs for meetings, interviews, training and other business activities.
Since 2010, all Nunavik villages have a Video Conference Unit, which has been connected to the Tamaani Internet Services Network. In most villages, this unit is located in the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) Offices or at the local Town Hall/Northern Village
So it’s now possible to have video conference sessions with all villages in Nunavik or anywhere else in the world where a Video conferencing Unit is installed.
Video conference sessions can happen between two sites in a Point-to-Point fashion or they can happen between three or more in Bridged mode.
To learn more about this service, please contact us at or by phone
at 1-888-TAMAANI (826-2264).
This price covers one hour of service ,however, in some locations
additional fees may apply to rent the room and equipment